There are 2 basic positions for adjectives:

  1. Adjective Before Noun
  2. Adjective After Verb
1I have abigdog.  
2  Snowiswhite.

Adjective Before Noun

We often use more than one adjective before the noun:

  • I like big black dogs.
  • She was wearing a beautiful long red dress.

What is the correct order for two or more adjectives?

1. First of all, the general order is:


"Opinion" is what you think  about something. "Fact" is what is definitely true  about something.

  • a lovely new  dress (not  a new lovely dress)
  • a boring French  film (not  a French boring film)

2. The "normal" order for fact adjectives is

size, shape, age, colour / origin / material / purpose

  • small 18th-century French coffee table
  • rectangular black wooden box

3.  Determiners  usually come first , even though some grammarians regard them as fact adjectives:

  • articles (a, the)
  • possessives (my, your...)
  • demonstratives (this, that...)
  • quantifiers (some, any, few, many...)
  • numbers (one, two, three)

Note that when we want to use two colour adjectives, we join them with "and":

  • Many newspapers are black and white.
  • She was wearing a long, blue and yellow dress.

Here are some examples of adjective order:

 adjectiveshead noun
determineropinion adjectivesfact adjectives
othersize, shape, age, colouroriginmaterialpurpose*
twougly black  guarddogs
a well-known Chinese  artist
a  small, 18th-centuryFrench coffeetable
yourfabulous new  sportscar
alovely pink and greenThaisilk dress
some  blackSpanishleatherridingboots
a  big black and white   dog
this cheap  plasticraincoat
an  old woodenfishingboat
my  new  tennisracket
awonderful 15th-centuryArabic  poem

*often a noun used as an adjective

Not all grammarians agree about the exact order of adjectives, and the detailed rules are complicated. The rules on this page are for the normal, "natural" order of adjectives. These rules are not rigid, and you may sometimes wish to change the order for emphasis. Consider the following conversations:

Conversation 1
A "I want to buy a round table."
B "Do you want a new round table or an old round table?"

Conversation 2
A "I want to buy an old table".
B "Do you want a round old table or a square old table?"

Adjective After Verb

An adjective can come after  some verbs, such as: be, become, feel, get, look, seem, smell, sound

Even when an adjective comes after the verb and not before a noun, it always refers to and qualifies the subject  of the clause, not the verb.

Look at the examples below: subject verb adjective

  • Ram is English.
  • Because she had to wait, she became impatient.
  • Is it getting dark?
  • The examination did not seem difficult.
  • Your friend looks nice.
  • This towel feels damp.
  • That new film doesn't sound very interesting.
  • Dinner smells good tonight.
  • This milk tastes sour.
  • It smells bad.

These verbs are "stative" verbs, which express a state or change of state, not "dynamic" verbs which express an action. Note that some verbs can be stative in one sense (she looks beautiful | it got hot), and dynamic in another (she looked at him | he got the money). The above examples do not include all stative verbs.

Note also that in the above structure (subject verb adjective ), the adjective can qualify a pronoun since the subject may be a pronoun.

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