euphemism (noun): mild or pleasant language used instead of language that is unpleasant or offensive, for example pass away instead of die

Euphemism Examples


pornographic, or related to sex

between jobs

unemployed, or without a job



capital punishment

the death penalty

Sometimes we want to use language that is not direct. Perhaps we don't want to hurt somebody. Or we are afraid they will be offended by language they see as "rude". Perhaps the subject matter is culturally taboo.

For example, if we are talking to someone whose parent has just died, we could well use pass away instead of die:

I was sorry to hear that your mother passed away last week.

Here are some more examples of euphemistic language:

direct languageeuphemistic language
I hear that you're pregnant.I hear that you're expecting.
It's a UN programme for poor families.It's a UN programme for underprivileged families.
She's just gone to the toilet.She's just gone to wash her hands.
You're dismissed.I'm afraid I'm going to have to let you go.
Note that the word euphemism  can be countable or uncountable.

euphemism (uncountable): the use of a mild or pleasant expression instead of an expression that may be unpleasant or offensive. Example: Euphemism is quite common in English.

euphemism (countable): A mild or pleasant expression used in this way. Example: The expressions "pass away", "pass on" and "pass" are all euphemisms for "die".

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