A glossary of words and terms that we use to talk about speaking

accent (noun): a mode of pronunciation that is common in a certain region
apologize (verb): to say sorry for something you have done
barrier (noun): something that blocks or hinders
condolence (noun): an expression of compassion to someone who is experiencing grief
contrast (verb): to describe things that are opposite or different
dialogue (noun): a conversation between two people
farewells (noun): goodbyes
gesture (noun): a body movement that expresses something specific
greeting  (noun): an expression that you say when you first see someone
interrupt (verb): to stop someone who is speaking so that you can say something
karaoke (verb): to practise singing someone else’s song; the lyrics and music are provided
monologue (noun): a long speech or spoken part delivered by a solo speaker
monotone (noun): one sound; no intonation
negotiate (verb): to try to come up with a fair business decision that will make two different sides or people happy
nervous (adjective): a worried or fearful feeling that things will not go well
pace (noun): the timing in one’s speech; how fast or slow one speaks
paraphrase (verb): to repeat something you have read or heard in your own words
persuade (verb): to convince someone of something
recite (verb): to say something with the text provided (eg. poetry)
small talk (noun): a casual conversation about everyday things like weather, the family, or a vacation
standardized test  (noun): a test with a set format that people take in order to prove proficiency in a skill such as language
transitional phrase (noun): a group of words that connects thoughts; used in writing and speaking (for example: on the other hand)
word stress (noun): emphasis on a specific word in a sentence; helps the listener understand the meaning of a sentence