This page shows the basic tenses with the regular verb work , including the following structures:

  • affirmative or positive (+)
  • negative (-)
  • interrogative or question (?)

The basic structures are:

+positivesubject + auxiliary + main verb
-negativesubject + auxiliary + not  + main verb
?questionauxiliary + subject + main verb

Here are the forms of the main verb that we use to construct the tenses:

base V1past simple V2past participle V3present participle -ing

And here is the result:

12 tenses (work)pastpresentfuture
do + base
except future:
will + base
+I did work
I worked
I do work
I work
I will work
-I did not workI do not workI will not work
?Did I work?Do I work?Will I work?
be + ing
+I was workingI am workingI will be working
-I was not workingI am not workingI will not  be working
?Was I working?Am I working?Will I be working?
have + past participle
+I had workedI have workedI will have worked
-I had not workedI have not workedI will not  have worked
?Had I worked?Have I worked?Will I have worked?
have been + ing
+I had been workingI have been workingI will have been working
-I had not  been workingI have not  been workingI will not  have been working
?Had I been working?Have I been working?Will I have been working?

sources : Original Link