Personal pronouns represent specific people or things. We use them depending on:

  • number: singular (e.g: I ) or plural (e.g: we)
  • person: 1st person (e.g: I ), 2nd person (e.g: you ) or 3rd person (e.g: he)
  • gender: male (e.g: he ), female (e.g: she ) or neuter (e.g: it)
  • case: subject (e.g: we ) or object (e.g: us)

We use personal pronouns in place of the person or people that we are talking about. My name is Josef but when I am talking about myself I almost always use "I" or "me", not "Josef". When I am talking direct to you, I almost always use "you", not your name. When I am talking about another person, say John, I may start with "John" but then use "he" or "him". And so on.

Here are the personal pronouns, followed by some example sentences:

numberpersongenderpersonal pronouns
singular1stmale/ femaleIme
2ndmale/ femaleyouyou
plural1stmale/ femaleweus
2ndmale/ femaleyouyou
3rdmale/ female/ neutertheythem

Examples (in each pair, the first sentence shows a subject pronoun, the second an object pronoun):

  • I  like coffee. / John helped me.
  • Do you  like coffee? / John loves you.
  • He  runs fast. / Did Ram beat him?
  • She  is clever. / Does Mary know her?
  • It  doesn't work. / Can the man fix it?
  • We  went home. / Anthony drove us.
  • Do you  need a table for three? / Did John and Mary beat you  at doubles?
  • They  played doubles. / John and Mary beat them.

When we are talking about a single thing, we almost always use it . However, there are a few exceptions. We may sometimes refer to an animal as he/him or she/her , especially if the animal is domesticated or a pet. Ships (and some other vessels or vehicles) as well as some countries are often treated as female and referred to as she/her . Here are some examples:

  • This is our dog Rusty. He 's an Alsatian.
  • The Titanic  was a great ship but she  sank on her first voyage.
  • My first car was a Mini and I treated her  like my wife.
  • Thailand has now opened her  border with Cambodia.

For a single person, sometimes we don't know whether to use he or she . There are several solutions to this:

  • If a teacher needs help, he or she should see the principal.
  • If a teacher needs help, he  should see the principal.
  • If a teacher needs help, they  should see the principal.

We often use it  to introduce a remark:

  • It  is nice to have a holiday sometimes.
  • It  is important to dress well.
  • It 's difficult to find a job.
  • Is it  normal to see them together?
  • It  didn't take long to walk here.

We also often use it  to talk about the weather, temperature, time and distance:

  • It 's raining.
  • It  will probably be hot tomorrow.
  • Is  it nine o'clock yet?
  • It 's 50 kilometres from here to Cambridge.

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